Friday 17 July 2015

Oh exciting new things!

Working on a sneaky little project

So for the past week and a half i have been working on a project that has been knocking around our house for the last 6 months! It's a vintage school desk i was determined to do it, but never got round to it! 

It turns out this project has been taking a little bit longer that i had anticipated, but it's slowly getting there and for a first attempt with this type of Gloss paint I'm really pleased so far! 

I shall give you a full write up on this piece once i've completed it.... I had to pop on and show you my lovely little Ebay bargain i got today! 

This will be my next project! 

It cost me a whole 99p! I have been researching a little into it so i don't destroy an antique and it turns out to be from the late 1800's! 

Now im deciding whether to restore this to it's original state or refinish with a coloured paint. I have been told it will not effect the value. What does everyone think i should do? Opinions? 

Wednesday 8 July 2015

My First project!

My First Project! 

So I had been scrolling through Pinterest for months on end looking at all these fabulous things that people had created and I was determined to give one a go! 

I had pinned many different projects from glass jars to, pallet decking and even minecraft cubes. 
I finally decided I was going to try the pallet decking! When i went to go and buy a pallet from my local distributor in which they sell them for as little as £5 each they only had very ratty ones in stock. So i left it. 

I came home feeling very disappointed that i didn't have any purchase after a months build up to wanting to do a project. I stumbled down the bottom of the garden looking to see if there was any wood I could create something out of... and little and behold I find the kiddies old wooden rocking elephant. 

I couldn't believe it was still there! My partner was never one for going to the tip... at that precis moment I was grateful for that.

I grabbed this cute little wooden elephant and started sanding him back straight away! 

Unfortunately this was a project I couldn't take apart as he was glued together. So working with him became a challenge, but I can't believe the difference now!

For something that was bare, rough wood and had clearly been exposed to the elements he looked great!

If you want to give something like this a go its nice and easy! As you can see i'm not finished with my Elephant yet i'm replacing the handles as one had fallen off. 

I didn't manage to get a before picture as I completely forgot... but I have this one and it shows you what it was like all over. 

If you can take it apart, definitely do it, it would be so much easier!

STEP 1: Take apart if possible.

STEP 2: Sand all surfaces

STEP 3: Prime you wood repeat if necessary make sure you cover every bit of wood. This will stop your wood sucking up the paint. 

STEP 3: Paint with an oil based wood paint allow to dry for the allocated time (mine was overnight)

STEP 4: Use clear varnish all over the product once dry this will ensure no wear on the paint when child plays on the item! 

STEP 5: Put back together. 

STEP 6: I used Vinyl eyes and brows. (i made these myself as i have the facilities to do so) You can get these on ebay by vinyl sellers. Or contact myself i will be happy to help you :)

 Once I have completely finished i shall pop a picture up :) 

 Let me know if you give a project like this a go I would love to see pictures! I'm really happy with the results of this one for a first ever attempt at this type of project.. I am already starting on my next! 

A little bit about me....

A little bit about me.... 

Hi my name is Becky i am 28 years old I am a step mum to two children of 12. I entered into family life at quite an early age. 

I met my partner when I was 21, he is a Father to two gorgeous 5 year old children. Sadly there mum is no longer with us as she passed  away very early on in life.

As from there I made the decision to raise these children as if they were my own. I soon came to realise part of family life is about utilising everything you have around you. 

Kids have a tendency to mark things, leave sticky finger prints every where, give you grubby hand prints on those freshly painted walls and hey we've even had an overflowing toilet thanks to a soap bar going down it! Oh the fun! 

This is why I have decided to start my little shabby chic projects and utilising what I have around the house to create fresh new looking projects. 

We work from home which is great, it provides enough income to pay the bills and put the food on the table. So we don't complain,  but sometimes we can be tight on the extra pennies for treating ourselves. So using anything I can finding around the house is a billy bonus! 

Now if you have a garage like mine and an arts and crafts room like my kids, I can assure you, you will be fine to follow my blog's, but if not don't worry there are shops where you can pick stuff up very cheap dotted everywhere now! 

Anyway that's a little about me... I shall start to write up about my first project in my next blog!